Aplikasi Pengukuran Tekanan Darah di Rumah

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Some people are using mobile blood pressure monitors, if you suffer from hypertension, apps can help you keep track of your blood pressure information.

It is important to keep track and monitor your systolic and diastolic blood pressure frequently. Also, you can avoid heart disease in the future. To measure your blood pressure, just insert your finger into the cell phone’s camera. Soon after, the result will appear on the mobile device’s screen.

Sangat penting untuk ditekankan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi ini bukanlah pengganti menemui dokter atau spesialis. Namun Anda bisa mencatat semua informasi yang didapat dan menunjukkannya kepada dokter Anda.

Pengukur Tekanan Darah Ponsel – Hipertensi


High blood pressure or hypertension happens when the blood pressure level in the arteries increases. It is caused by several reasons, such as improper diet and also lack of physical exercise.

But, to have a certain diagnosis, it is necessary to seek medical attention. Remember that the application will be able to take 3 blood pressure measurements on 3 different days.

So, if you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, you will need urgent medical attention. When your blood pressure is 140 x 90 mmHg, it is classified as grade 1 hypertension.

Tekanan darah sistolik dan diastolik: apa perbedaannya?

Systolic blood pressure is the highest value. It represents the pressure exerted on the arteries when the heart beats, i.e. the contracting movement of the heart. Diastolic blood pressure is the lowest value, and it is important to always consult your doctor and not to self-medicate.


Diastolic blood pressure represents the moment of rest. In that sense, when the blood vessels are open for the blood to pass through.

Temukan beberapa aplikasi untuk mengukur tekanan darah di ponsel Anda. Cukup unduh aplikasinya di ponsel Anda untuk melacak tekanan darah Anda.

Pengukur Tekanan Ponsel Pulse O-Matic

Aplikasi ini tersedia untuk diunduh oleh pengguna sistem iOS (iPhone). Biayanya $0.99 dari App Store. Ini mengukur detak jantung Anda dan menampilkan informasi seperti monitor rumah sakit.

Untuk mengukur tekanan, cukup masukkan jari Anda ke kamera ponsel.

Teman Kesehatan


The application mentioned above is not only for measuring blood pressure. With it, you can take full care of your health, help reduce weight, direct physical activities, and even control sleep depending on the organism. This application is available for download on Android and iOS (iPhone)

Pengukur Denyut Jantung

Aplikasi ini hanya tersedia untuk Android dan merupakan salah satu aplikasi terpopuler.

After a few seconds of analysis, the blood pressure data will appear on the cell phone screen. In addition, it provides a heart rate graph for further analysis. You can monitor the blood pressure fluctuations on a daily basis without having any glitches.

aku peduli

Terakhir, pengguna iOS dapat menggunakan iCare tanpa biaya. Selain mengukur tekanan darah dengan cara yang sama seperti aplikasi lain yang disebutkan di atas, aplikasi ini juga memiliki fungsi lain.


With it, you can measure heart rate, hearing and lung capacity. Remember that all these functions are available in the application itself.

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