Apps om de bloeddruk gratis te meten via de mobiele telefoon

Gepubliceerd door john op


Get to know the best apps to measure blood pressure in a simple and easy way using only your cell phone.

What is blood pressure?

No doubt you have heard about blood pressure, but do you know what it is? It is the pressure exerted by the blood against the artery walls.

Simply put, it is like a game of push-pull between the blood and the arteries. Because the blood needs to circulate throughout the body, and so the heart is responsible for pumping the blood.


And in order for it to keep circulating, it puts pressure on the inner wall of the arteries. However, the vessels are resistant to this passage of blood. And that’s what determines the pressure.

Blood pressure is composed of two numbers: systolic and diastolic.

When you go to measure the pressure, two numbers are always given, for example: 12 by 8. For example: 12 by 8. So, the higher number represents the systolic pressure, and the lower one, the diastolic. Systolic is the pressure when the blood is being pumped, and diastolic is the pressure when the heart relaxes between beats.

An example of a pressure that is considered normal is 12 by 8. But any number above 14 by 9 is already considered hypertension.


So, when you measure your blood pressure and give a number equal to or higher than 14 by 9, it is important to monitor and control it. This is where applications that allow you to measure your blood pressure over the cell phone come in.

Gezondheid maatje

Another excellent app for measuring blood pressure is Health Mate. This is because this app is responsible for taking care of the whole health part of that patient. Thus, by using Health Mate, the user can lose weight, have a follow-up and control of his blood pressure, as well as a help to exercise through reminders and motivational messages. Some of its features, such as gadgets, are great for enhancing its use.

If your goal is to track your blood pressure as well as control your weight, know that Health Mate features a Whiting scale, responsible for helping its user in controlling his weight, as well as the Whiting pressure, responsible for measuring the pressure and recording it in the database.


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