5 New Applications to Clean Cell Phone Memory

Published by john on


We use cell phones for many activities in our daily lives and, therefore, the memory of our devices fills up without us even realizing it.

Generally, at the moment we need it most, the cell phone notifies us that the memory is full and we need to free up space, even for the basic operation of the device.

It may not be very quick and easy to free up space in your cell phone's memory manually, so there are applications that do this hard work in a matter of minutes.


In today's article, we have separated a great application that makes memory cleaning and cell phone optimization, bringing more practicality to everyday life. Check it out below.


The Clean Master application, considered one of the best applications in cleaning category of cell phone memory and operating system optimization, it is completely free and available for android.

The app provides complete coverage, which includes managing notifications from the app and social networks, providing individual control of each app.

As main features, the application features:


Complete and fast file cleaning, which speeds up the system, freeing up memory safely;

Improving cell phone operational processing;

Indicates when there is abnormal use of RAM memory;

Frees up space without deliberately deleting personal data.

How to use the app?


To use the Clean Master application, follow these steps:

Access the Google Play store;

Get the app CleanMaster;

Open the application;


Agree to usage permissions;

Use all the possibilities that the application offers and that you want, which include: cleaning unnecessary files, optimization, saving battery, boosting your cell phone, cooling the CPU, cleaning the app.

Other features of the application

In addition to the aforementioned features, the application also presents other secondary options, such as:


Clear photos;

Clear of videos;

App management;

Manage large files;

Software cache.

Still through the app, the user can perform the notification configurations, message center, permissions, and other various functions available.

It is also possible to manage each application installed on the cell phone individually through the app, having a single option for the WhatsApp app.

The application also offers a complete and advanced cleaning, where all files and caches that are weighing down the memory are removed, however, the files are shown to the user before being deleted, avoiding errors.


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